One liner

Acquire and retain clients to generate revenues.

    Jobs to be Done:

    • Generate qualified leads for businesses that need trucks to move their goods so that you can approach them without wasting time
    • Approach qualified leads and generate initial interest using the most appropriate channels to set up a meeting
    • Extract the client problem efficiently to position traxl as a solution provider
    • Understand traxl product offering well to communicate the benefits clearly
    • Answer any trucking-related questions to be able to support clients with any inquiries
    • Extract all the necessary information from the client to generate an accurate quotation
    • Negotiate with the client to be able to close deals
    • Summarize the deal clearly and communicate it to the operations team to ensure a smooth handover of the deal
    • keep a close relationship with clients to build a long-lasting partnership
    • upsell our products to current clients to increase revenues
    • support your clients while using traxl services to retain them and keep them satisfied
    • record all activities in CRM to organize activities and keep track of your performance

    Job Requirements

    • Experience in enterprise and B2B lead generation and qualification
    • Experience in selling and negotiating trucking or logistics services
    • Experience in enterprise customer support; understanding their needs and concerns, and provide timely and satisfactory resolutions to their issues in a professional and empathetic manner.
    • Integrity: Demonstrating ethical behavior and holding oneself accountable to high standards of honesty and professionalism.
    • Customer Focus: Understanding and prioritizing the needs and preferences of customers to provide them with the best possible experience.
    • Ownership: Taking responsibility for one's work, being accountable for results, and taking initiative to drive projects forward.
    • Bias to Action: A mindset of taking proactive steps to achieve objectives and drive progress, rather than waiting for direction or permission from others.
    • Active Listening: The ability to fully concentrate, understand, and respond to the information and emotions expressed by the speaker, in order to build rapport, understanding, and trust.
    • Value-added Negotiation: A strategic approach to negotiation that focuses on creating mutual value and finding win-win solutions that benefit all parties involved.